A successful marketing campaign can rarely be attributed to just one person. It takes a team of strategists, writers, designers, analysts, and, of course, marketers to come up with something from nothing that helps the business meet its goals.
But working with various teams and individuals is not always simple. Coordinating schedules, communicating, and working together all bring challenges to what should be a collaborative environment.
The team at Dropbox Business put together an infographic that lays out a plan for how to support collaboration across various teams.
For example, starting with something as basic as a robust creative brief can help identify key goals and get everyone united on a campaign, the infographic suggests. Yet, it continues, only 23% of creatives say their projects are briefed well.
Moreover, a streamlined feedback process can help set clear expectations, yet 44% of marketers say keeping track of feedback from different channels or in various formats is a serious pain point.
What can you do? Defining strategy, using a central location to manage files, and debriefing the whole team are just a few of the suggestions in the graphic. To see the rest, check out the infographic. Just tap or click on the image to see a larger version.
This article first appeared in www.marketingprofs.com
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