Audience by Jeffrey K. Rohrs


Marketing in the Age of Subscribers, Fans and Followers

Proprietary audience development is now a core marketing responsibility.

Every company needs audiences to survive.  They are where you find new customers and develop more profitable relationships.  And yet, most companies today treat their email, mobile, and social media audiences like afterthoughts instead of the corporate assets they are.

With AUDIENCE, Jeff Rohrs seeks to change this dynamic through adoption of The Audience Imperative.  This powerful mandate challenges all companies to use their paid, owned, and earned media to not only sell in the short-term but also increase the size, engagement, and value of their proprietary audiences over the long-term.

As content marketing professionals have discovered, the days of “build it and they will come” are long gone.  If you’re looking for a way to gain a lasting advantage over your competition, look no further and start building your email, Facebook, Google, Instagram, mobile app, SMS, Twitter, website, and YouTube audiences to last.

About Author


BrandKnew is an amalgam of the very finest, distilled essence from all over the world put together in an easy to consume, reflect, apply manner. It articulates, suggests, disseminates, shares, educates, provokes, inspires brand owners and brand professionals to take the next logical step in realising their branding goals.