” BrandBar: The Night Where the Brand Knights Came in their Shining Armors “


BrandKnow is an experiment and a dedication to all brand lovers.Thank you for the passion, the emotional labour and loyalty.

One could have been jet lagged but the flavours did the trick. The first edition of BrandKnow held at the eclectic Jetlag by Flavours in Port Mina Rashid, Dubai, lived true to its billing. Of surprising, delighting and educating brand lovers and marketers about little known nuggets of iconic brands. Straddling from Apple & Nike to Coke & Harley Davidson, to Rolex & Chanel or Johnnie Walker & Red BullFerrari & Tiffany & CoLevis & Louis Vuitton, RayBan & MontBlanc, Tesla & Xerox, Jimmy Choo & Lego
Watch Video here

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About Author


BrandKnew is an amalgam of the very finest, distilled essence from all over the world put together in an easy to consume, reflect, apply manner. It articulates, suggests, disseminates, shares, educates, provokes, inspires brand owners and brand professionals to take the next logical step in realising their branding goals.

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