Over time, varying experiences of LinkedIn groups have given different users vastly conflicting perspectives on their potential value.
For some, LinkedIn groups are helpful tools that can help to connect you with like-minded professionals for upskilling, and even business opportunities, within your sector, while for others, they’re just spam-farms, loaded with self-promotional rubbish, which serve no purpose beyond the occasional cringe.
Of course, each perspective is based on the groups that you’ve joined, and how they’re managed, but LinkedIn hasn’t helped by seemingly de-emphasizing the option, and removing tools that were once useful in maximizing groups engagement.
But LinkedIn is gradually working to make groups great again. It’s been slowly adding in more options and tools to help facilitate better group management, and while you may not be able to do everything you once could, with LinkedIn engagement overall on the rise, it may be worth giving LinkedIn groups another look.
And if you are considering re-investing in LinkedIn groups, this checklist will help. LinkedIn recently published a series of guides and notes on how to maximize groups engagement. You can check out all of LinkedIn’s guides here, but we’ve merged together this graphic of key LinkedIn group engagement notes, which captures some of the key tips.

This article first appeared in www.socialmediatoday.com
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