Infographic: Consumers Know Exactly How They Want to Be Marketed To And they don’t, in fact, hate advertising
A common refrain among consumers is that they are inundated with marketing messages for things they don’t want or need. Of course, it has been argued that it’s the advertising being created that consumers really find so annoying.
Marketing research firm MarketingSherpa asked consumers how they would prefer to receive communications from brands and retailers, and its insights suggest people don’t actually hate advertising. Only 8 percent of respondents said they didn’t want to receive marketing, while each respondent cited a preferred way of discovering new products. Most interestingly, more than one-third of those surveyed said they preferred to get email from brands on their smartphones.
“This may be somewhat surprising to some, as when mobile marketing is talked about, email is sometimes not included,” said MarketingSherpa director of editorial content Daniel Burstein. “Buzzier topics like location-based marketing—iOS iBeacon, for example—and apps tend to get the most attention.”
This story first appeared in the Nov. 2 issue of Adweek magazine.