How Content Reaches a Constantly Connected Audience [Infographic]


Remember when we surfed the Internet on a computer or laptop while seated at a desk?

It wasn’t that long ago, but times have changed. Now we consume content wherever we are, whether that’s at home or at work or en route to a store. And our gadgets have changed from stationary computers to myriad mobile devices that we carry or wear.

Mobile brings a constantly connected mindset, and it’s driving changes in the way we—including our customers—consume content and interact with brands, from voice search to chatbots, and from digital assistants to the Internet of Things (IoT).

DNN Software has created an infographic that illustrates stats and figures related to this phenomenon.

For instance, the infographic shows that active users of virtual digital assistants are forecast to grow from 390 million (in 2015) to 1.8 billion by the end of 2021. Those digital assistants are driving an increase in voice searches. In 2016, Google announced that 20% of mobile queries are coming from voice searches, according to the infographic.

To see more details about emerging technologies that are changing the way content reaches consumers, check out the infographic:

This article first appeared in

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About Author

Laura Forer

Laura Forer is the manager of MarketingProfs: Made to Order, Original Content Services, which helps clients generate leads, drive site traffic, and build their brands through useful, well-designed content.

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