Trust Conclave @IIMB by IIM Bangalore and ISD Global: Videos and Testimonials


“It was a day of reckoning, of reflecting, of introspecting, of what should be, of what can be. When trust is taken up willingly as a collective responsibility, it becomes a movement. It becomes everyday practice. It becomes the culture. That is when we are able to move the needle from Trust as a noun, to Trust as a verb.

Below are some video captures of the Trust Conclave held at IIM Bangalore, conducted as a pioneering collaboration between IIM Bangalore and ISD Global“.


The Trust Conclave, end to end, capsuled in this video. Watch the video here..


Prof Sourav Mukherjee, Dean Alumni Relations & Development, IIM Bangalore, reflects on the Trust Conclave. He set the context for the day admirably in his opening presentation. Watch the video here..


Sunil Prabhakaran, Founder & CEO, Newzeum, shares his thoughts, perspectives and recommendations on the Trust Conclave and provokes us to bring in the aspect of measurement and quantifying trust. Watch the video here..


Dr Shantala Hegde, Clinical Neuropsychologist, NIMHANS beautifully articulates her opinion and divergent thinking on this sensitive topic at the Trust Conclave. Watch the video here…


Some candid moments to savour from the Trust Conclave. Watch the video here…


Dipika Trehan, Corporate Diva, was one of the most agile and curious participants at the conclave and had compelling questions for the speakers and panelists. Watch the video here…


Some more candid moments to savour from the Trust Conclave. Watch the video here…


Ambadi MA, Operations Director, World Music Conservatory significantly contributed to the Trust Conclave using music as an expression of harmonising trust. Watch the video here…


Vasanthi Hariprakash, PickleJar Founder & CEO, Podcaster, Journalist, as the MC for the day made the day for all with her effervescence and natural flair. Watch the video here…


We are aware that the journey that we have embarked on of bringing trust, up front and centre into the zeitgeist is an onerous task. It is overwhelming and intimidating, made more complex by the intangibility of it. That said, we feel it is a compelling necessity and it warms our hearts to see the response the first of its kind Trust Conclave has generated. We are deeply grateful to all of you. For all those wanting to reach out to us and associate,collaborate, contribute in any manner or form, you are welcome to reach out to us at It takes two to tango: You and Us. TOGETHER Matters!


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BrandKnew is an amalgam of the very finest, distilled essence from all over the world put together in an easy to consume, reflect, apply manner. It articulates, suggests, disseminates, shares, educates, provokes, inspires brand owners and brand professionals to take the next logical step in realising their branding goals.

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